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In response to your response to my previous review, i have actually made some good work of my own, and i have a lot more lying around on my computer that i could easily slap a menu on and submit to NG like you're doing yourself. Perhaps my review was overly harsh but it still stands that you should properly finish a game before submitting, especially someone of your "stature". Then again, i should have reviewed it properly as well, so i will. You can drive though trees, rocks etc and all it does is slow you down. The hit detection is off. It's been done many times before. The graphics were fairly nice however and the isometric view was well made. But overall the point of a game is to be entertaining rather than look amazing, and the game wasn't exactly good was it.

On to this game, its a "new" take on an old idea. Cool addins like inverted gravity, fuel, bombs altering the terrain, shields etc add to the depth as well as some smooth physics going on which made it a pretty nice game. Overall it's worth playing once but after that i wouldn't bother.

terrypaton1 responds:

Thanks for the updated review, I felt it was personal attack that was unjustified. A reasonable review was all I was after. Cheers.


You've made some good games but recently you're just churning out a rapid amount of crap... this is probably the worst. Spend more time on individual games rather than releasing crap like this... and don't even think about making another break out game it was over-done with the second version you made nevermind the 3 or whatever after that.

terrypaton1 responds:

Thanks for the response. I'm actually releasing games on newgrounds that I've developed over the last 2 years - not that I've made quickly lately. If you'd made some good work yourself you might have a right to be critical.

meh... good coding, bad game

There are a number of huge problems with this...

1) Ammo, too hard to pickup and no way to continue the game when you run out (add powerups / ammo drops?)
2) Only like 2 different enemies, and the squares are annoyingly difficult to kill
3) The most fun thing about geometry wars was weapon upgrades... this has none
4) Laggy even when theres only a small number of enemies
5) Highscores don't work
6) I didn't even get far enough to use teleporters
7) It's been done way better so many times before...

So yea uhh.. good luck with that.

Hacker12 responds:

1) Yeah I know, I don't have much of an imagination sorry.
2) 3 actually and yes the Squares Ai did taking bloody ages to program.
3) Yeah I know Geometry Wars was a good game but I'm one guy and they had the whole of Bizzare Creations working on it, and there weren't weapon upgrades all it did was switch between two.
4) Yeah the game is incredibly taxing on the computers resources because I was to lazy to optimize it the problem is each of the enemys are being moved individually what i should of done is each time a enemy was created was add it to an array then use a stepping function but atm I'm learning AS3.
5) It should be as soon as the new .swf I uploaded is updated.
6) Shame, maybe I should of made the difficulty curve a bit less of a challege =[
7) Oh really I haven't seen many examples I'll have alook, and yeah I was pleased with what I got from DabonTv as I do this a hobby and not a part-time job and something is better then nothing.

Cheers for the feedback.

Simple but fun

This was pretty cool, nice graphics and simple gameplay but a decent time waster. Might wanna prevent hackers from screwing with the scores though :P

MaxManning responds:

I'll have to check into that.


This was just a bad copy of my game (engulfer)...

Cybex responds:

I've never seen your game before, and they're not really the same are they?


Game is broken... everything is undefined so i die instantly. I'm on flash player 9.

Cosmoseth responds:

Hm, the other 25,000 people who have played this disagree with you. Try-re opening the file and trying again before you try to blam somthing i 've worked really hard on.

Yea, pretty good...

This was a nice use of the drawing API, well done.

I have a few points to make however.

Firstly, the gameplay didn't really expand beyond the basic actions. Sure you had different enemies and such but a few more differences would have been welcome, aswell as some more powerups. I can't think of anything off the top of my head... maybe a powerup that lets you break through those shield enemies or one that surrounds your planet in a shield of 'line', maybe increase the hits your planet can take or increase the damage the balls do, then you could throw in magnets and bumpers which fire the ball off faster and walls/tunnels etc yea that could be good...

Alright anyway, next point some music would be good (i didn't notice any but yea some good music maybe even a selection).

Also, level 7 is impossible if the last guy remaining is in the top corner cause his shield comes back before u can hit him, or he doesnt take it off if u do it the other way so yea that sucked.

A level editor could be added that would be pretty cool.

Multiplayer mode (over the internet would be even better i can help you with that if you need).

Ok i'm sure i can think of more to add but this will do. Btw, its still a great game don't get me wrong ;), but as a game developer i'm always looking for holes in games hehe :P

freeworldgroup responds:

good points thanks : - )

Good game...

...but one or two flaws.

Some character moving bugs and 'extra moves' and such...

...and also those random rings that come out of bosses need to go, one ring can cause the boss to get a hit spree which takes half of your HP, its so gay... either remove the rings or make the bosses do less dmg.

Finally, the 'lightning sword' you earn on mission 2-4 is CRAP, you need to upgrade its damage to 3.0 at least for it to be worth using...

Other than that awesome game...

Dizimz responds:

the rings are combo breaks you can avoid them dont hold a combo for to long I mean I had to put it in cause a boss would be no fun if you can kill it in one combo

I make games. Flash, php, java, C mainly... big fan of RPG's and action!

Aldarn X @Aldarnc

Age 35, Male


Durham University


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